The AudiologyDesign Blog

Explore our extensive collection of articles sharing tips, best practices and expert advice for reaching your marketing goals.

5 Hearing Healthcare Marketing Trends to Leverage in 2024

The hearing healthcare marketing landscape is constantly evolving, shaped by technology, algorithm updates and changing patient expectations. Staying competitive in 2024 requires understanding current marketing trends and how to best leverage them for your audience and market. 

How Local Listings Improve Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

According to market research, 77% of patients begin their healthcare journey with search engines, making it one of the most significant channels for healthcare providers. But with so many businesses competing for visibility in organic search results, it can be challenging to stand out. 

Convert More Leads Into Appointments with This Simple Tactic

Companies across industries have turned to the Internet to generate more leads for their business. Despite the rise in online marketing, research shows that many companies are too slow to effectively convert leads generated from their efforts. According to data collected by Inside Sales, over 57% of companies take a week or more to call […]

What to Consider When Choosing a Marketing Partner for Your Hearing Practice

Marketing is essential for practice growth. A well-executed strategy keeps your appointment calendar full while building a positive reputation among prospective patients. However, managing marketing on your own takes up a lot of time and resources. A good marketing partner can oversee your strategy and drive patient leads so you can stay focused on running […]

How To Attract New Patients With Online Reviews

Online reviews greatly influence a patient’s decision-making process. When determining who to trust with their healthcare, a lack of reviews could be the deciding factor between you and a competitor. In this blog post, we will explore why online reputation matters for hearing healthcare professionals and how to attract more patients with online reviews.

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