The AudiologyDesign Blog

Explore our extensive collection of articles sharing tips, best practices and expert advice for reaching your marketing goals.

5 Tips for Responding Positively to Negative Patient Reviews

Reading through a negative review of your practice is not a pleasant experience. While you may feel you are providing excellent patient service, not everyone will agree with how you run your practice or your approach as a specialist. It can be tempting to type up a rushed, defensive response for yourself and your practice, […]

Support No Longer Available for Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 and 10

Microsoft announced January 12 they are ending the support for Internet Explorer 9 and 10. Users of these browsers will be sent a “ping” asking them to upgrade their browsers to Internet Explorer 11 through what Microsoft is calling the “End of Life” patch. The “End of Life” patch means the older Internet Explorer versions […]

The Benefits of Pay-Per-Click Advertising for Practices

When it comes to businesses competing for space on the first page of top search engines like Google and Bing, competition can be fierce. In order to make sure your practice is seen by your target audience, it is important to claim as much real estate as possible, especially if you are in a highly […]

Tips for Developing a Professional Brand for Your Practice

When looking for a hearing specialist, people often turn to friends and family for recommendations before seeking a practice on their own. Word-of-mouth is an essential marketing tool for any practice, but it is important to establish a professional and recognizable brand to attract prospective patients.

Turn Prospects Into Patients

So your online marketing is working and your website is bringing in calls from prospective patients; but what steps should you take to ensure they book an appointment or to increase patient appointments overall? The sales process has many important steps and closing the deal is one of them. It’s the part of the process […]

4 Affordable Ways to Market Your Practice

Low cost marketing tactics you can implement today. Managing your hearing practice can be a difficult task and the number one consideration for any business owner is money. However, you should never put marketing at the end of your priority list when you’re creating a budget; marketing activities and strategies are what will bring in […]

Why Video is a Must-Have for SEO

Everybody knows that Google is the number one search engine. However, you may not be aware that YouTube, the son of Google, ranks as a close second. In 2009, a Forrester study found that “pages with video are 53-times more likely to rank on the first page of Google search results.” This allows for almost […]

How to Get Positive Patient Testimonials and Reviews

In a recent study, the firm of Price Waterhouse Coopers found 48 percent of Americans said they have read healthcare reviews. In this day and age, everyone is ready to share experiences online, whether good or bad. While we could spend all day discussing how to deal with less-than-stellar reviews, the best way to spread […]

Why SEO is Important for Your Hearing Practice

SEO is a term thrown around in the world of internet marketing that many still seem to have trouble wrapping their heads around. In many ways it has been unethically touted as some “magic bullet’ business in a box method while simultaneously being portrayed as some mystical power that only those with privileged knowledge can […]

3 SEO Benefits of Responsive Design

As each day passes more people are using their tablets and smart phones to browse the web. As a result of this it has become even more important to ensure that your website works as efficiently as possible across multiple platforms. Responsive design has become a staple in modern design in the last two years and […]